Thursday, August 06, 2009

Plush Rabbit Bib, Burps and Blanket

I gave these to a lady in my sorority at her baby shower. They got lots of ooohs and aaahs. I absolutely think they turned out adorable!!

Lamb Blanket, Burps and Bib

Burp Cloths

Burp Cloths



Adult T-shirts

I absolutely love the Paisley Butterflies. I love the colors.

Watermelon Child's T-shirts

Watermelon Purse

Tote Bags

Customer order hats

These were made for my daughter, Hannah's, school. Their Student Council sold them as a fund raiser for the Student Council and to give part to charity for children. I made 20 of the dark blue and 80 of the light blue. I didn't take these pictures so the color quality isn't very good I think due to the lighting when the picture was taken.

Peacock Denim Shirt

I embroidered this shirt for myself. I love the way it turned out and was the first thing I did for me instead of someone else or to sell.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Burp Cloths Galore

The burps with Hunter Mychal, Silly Little Monkey and Grandma's Lil' Man were a special order. A friend ordered them to give to her daughter at her baby shower. The deer and bear burp cloths were also a special order from an aquaintance to give to her friend as a baby gift. I think they are pretty neat.